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Friday Feast: Best Pancakes Ever

November 9, 2012

I didn’t get JD any presents for his birthday… I just cooked a bunch of fun meals. He was thrilled. I of course wanted to incorporate bacon into a meal. We used to make more elaborate breakfasts pre-Maggie, but we haven’t had the opportunity lately. So, one night, I made pancakes from scratch, with bacon IN THEM. They were great.

This is actually just the recipe for the pancakes, but if you want to throw the bacon in, cook the bacon all the way (10 minutes on both sides at 350 degrees in the oven), and then add them after you pour the pancake mix on the griddle. Yum.

Non-Bisquick Pancakes

Put into a large bowl:

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • ½ tsp salt

Whisk these dry ingredients together until they are well incorporated.

In another mixing bowl:

  • beat the 3 egg yolks with a whisk to break them up
  • add 1 2/3 cup of the milk of your choice (I used half and half… YUM again)
  • 4 tablespoon of softened butter
  • ½ tsp vanilla

Meanwhile, using a stand or hand mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks.

Mix the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients, except the egg whites. There will be plenty of lumps, but that’s ok.

Fold in the egg whites. This is important. You want the egg whites to maintain their volume and air.

Pour onto a hot griddle and only flip once. And don’t pat them! (The best advice ever courtesy of Nashville’s Pancake Pantry.) And that’s it!

I can’t express enough how much better these tasted than Bisquick mixes, which to me have a specific sourness to them. Even though they require a little more effort, I thoroughly enjoyed these pancakes, as did the birthday boy!

One Comment leave one →
  1. Stu permalink
    November 9, 2012 8:15 am


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